In addition to sending out registration confirmations, updates and reminders, we’ve added an exclusive option to Forms-Wizard: Sending RSVPs using WhatsApp messages.
When should you use the RSVP option?
Once the registration is complete and we move closer to the event day, you should send all your event participants an RSVP message, for them to approve or decline their arrival. This will grant you the option to know the expected participation rate for your event more accurately.
This will assist in knowing if there are modifications to be made in regard to your event (from how many seats you need at the main hall to the number of name tags and gifts for the participants).
Message Content
Unlike regular text messages, while using WhatsApp messages you can’t write your text freely. Instead, we use premade templates for our messages.
For the Rsvp messages, we have created a selection of templates you can use, which all include the event’s details (name, date, time, and location) and the banner from your form.
You choose which template to use depending on the type of message you want to send – don’t worry, we’ve thought about everything, you just need to pick the message that best fits you from our list.

Viewing your registrants’ responses
After sending the messages comes the most important part: tracking your registrants’ replies.
On your form’s dashboard, you can easily see:
- How many messages were sent
- How many people replied “Yes”
- How many people replied “No”
- How many have yet to reply
Other types of messages you can send via WhatsApp
We’ve already told you about the other types of messages you can send via WhatsApp using Forms-Wizard, but we wanted to list them again for you, so you have it handy:
Registration Confirmations – Send your registration confirmations with WhatsApp messages to avoid the common problems you encounter with emails and SMS messages.
Reminders – Most times, the registration process takes place weeks or months before the actual event. We recommend you send out reminders before the event starts, to make sure nobody misses it by mistake. We like using WhatsApp as we are all carrying our phones around all the time.
Updates – In addition to RSVP messages we can also send out important updates about your event, which include a button allowing the participants to acknowledge they have read your update.
This way you can know who has seen the message and is aware of its content, and who you should contact personally in the case of fundamental changes (like a change in place, date, or time)
Check-In Information – We also have the option to send over WhatsApp the QR or barcodes your participants would need to present upon arriving at the venue as a part of their check-in process