Specifying contact information on your registration form

Let’s imagine the following scenario together:

Someone wants to register for your conference via the registration form you have set up, but he has a problem that doesn’t allow him to submit the form. For example, he doesn’t know who he’s going to share a room with during the conference. Because there are no available contact information details, he clicks the Forms-Wizard link at the bottom of the form and goes to our website. From there, he sends us the following message: “I want to sign up for the trip, but I don’t have a partner yet. Register me as is for now.” We receive this message and start asking all our form managers one by one to whom this participant belongs.

On the one hand, we seem to be exaggerating. On the other hand, this happens to us at least once a week.

Specifying contact information details on your registration form is very important. As we said in the past, an average of 20% of all participants will contact you during a routine registration. Therefore, it is imperative to provide them with accurate contact details so that you can answer their questions, problems, and special requests.

Important details to include:

  • Contact name.
  • Phone number.
  • Email.

Optional but helpful details:

  • Operation hours (9:00-18:00? 24/7?)
  • Responsibilities.
  • Language (for example, if the contact only speaks English).
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So, where should all these details be located?

Everything goes as long as it is accessible and prominent. We have two recommendations for ideal locations:

  • The most obvious place is at the bottom of your form – you even have built-in fields to enter all the data.
    You can see our example right here.
  • You can also insert all the information above or below the registration form itself.

A tip for those who set up an event website in addition to their registration form:

You can integrate a built-in “Contac-Us” form to your event website. The form allows your participants to leave you messages quickly and easily. Each message will be sent directly to your email, so you won’t miss any of them.

Do you have any questions about specifying contact information on your registration form? We are here for you.