Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

We love to share from our experience, and we at Forms-Wizard know that Murphy was right: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

What we mean is that setting up a new registration form via our system is quite easy, and you can even set up simple forms in less than an hour. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to prepare for different problems that can pop up during this prosses.

Accordingly, one of our regular recommendations for new customers is to always check your registration form before you distribute it. The best test you can do is to go through a complete registration process, just like your registrants will go through.

This way, can you find out that the link in the QR code is broken, that the font is too small, that the image will look better aligned to the right, or that the event name on the invoice is incorrect, or that the registration confirmation email is not complete.

Common mistakes we come across:

  • Managers who do not enter texts for the “thank you” page or for the registration confirmation email.
  • Or those who enter texts within tables, without planning how they would look like on mobile phones.
  • Others often forget to enter the correct date and time of the event, but they add an “Add to Calendar” button.
  • Some don’t remember to set an inventory for tickets or hotel rooms, which can result in an over-booking scenario.
  • Many also tend to omit their contact information from the form.
  • And sometimes, managers even forget to tell registrants exactly how to pay for their registration…

To avoid such mistakes, the form review process needs to be thorough and should include:

  • Proofing for all texts (especially if you’ve duplicated an old form as the basis for your new form!).
  • Clicking on all available links – such as an email address, links to Google Maps and Waze, and so on.
  • Examining the form from both a desktop computer and a smartphone.
  • Making a payment and checking the invoice/receipt (you don’t have to pay full price, don’t worry).

In conclusion

Don’t start your registration before you thoroughly review your registration form!

Not sure if you remembered everything? You can always contact us, and together we will avoid the situation in which anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Forms-Wizard Check