Writing successful registration confirmations

This time we wanted to talk about writing successful registration confirmations for your registration forms. Here are some tips from us.

We will start with letting you know that you can send out registration confirmation in two different ways:

  • Via Email.
  • Via SMS message.

We mainly recommend sending email confirmations.
The reason? You can include far more information in an email than in an SMS


In the confirmation emails, we usually include the event details, the form’s branding (that beautiful banner you have already prepared), links to useful information (such as Waze travel directions), and anything else you think your participants should know.

Registration Confirmation Forms-WizardSMS message

Sending out SMS messages is especially useful in cases where we fear that not everyone participating in the event have personal email addresses. But, as we have already mentioned, SMS messages are short (136 characters per message), and you cannot enter much information into them.

To deal with this “problem,” the Forms-Wizard system includes a useful option that allows you to create a page that contains the summary of each participants’ registration. This page is uniquely generated for each participant, and it holds an overview of all the details he or she filled out on the registration form.

So, when choosing to use SMS messages, the participants will receive a text message confirming their registration for the event, which will also include a link for their registration summary. For example:

Registration Confirmation Forms-Wizard

We emphasize that text messages can only contain text and that images, videos, and GIFs cannot be attached to them.

Recommended content for successful registration confirmation

As in the case of writing great FAQs – we suggest that you write down anything that you would have liked to know if you were registering for the event yourself. For example:

  • A reminder of the events’ date, time, and location.
  • Parking/public transport arrangements.
  • A link to the event’s agenda.
  • Contact information for changes or further information.

To the Forms-Wizard registration confirmations, you can also add a table with all the registration details (specific for each participant), a barcode, and a QR code (as needed). Besides that, if your form includes the re-edit option, the registration confirmation should also include its link.

Do you have other recommendations about writing successful registration confirmations for events and conferences? Let us know!